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Efectivo en el 80% de casos tratados

Effective in more than 80% of cases treated.

Conformidad Europea

Comes into effect of the normative of cosmetics of Spanish Health Service and the European Union


The skin problem is not a disease which puts one’s life at risk, but it may lead to a great discontent and a bad quality of life. In fact, it may affect one’s life seriously. This disease affects the patients’ aesthetics generating social rejection, causing troubles to their well-being because of the state in which they are and the time they have to dedicate to the treatments. Apart from other factors which may affect these people in many other ways.

The skin problem is one of those diseases which highly affects the patients’ quality of life, because of the aesthetics that produces. It creates psychological problems such as the impossibility to get naked in front of others, the shame to shake hands or to touch other people. It is thought that it is a contagious disease, but this belief is wrong as it is not contagious and it does not cause any disability.

Sickness statistics

Approximately, over the 3% of the Spanish population suffers from this disease and, in some cases, since it is located in covered parts of the body, as in the scalp, in the bottom folds, or in the soles of the feet, it is not diagnosed as it should be. It is well known that it is a hereditary disease and it goes from parents to children in a 7% of the cases.

Questions and doubts

The solution for your skin

There exists a taboo on skin problem since it is thought that it is an incurable disease and that dermatology does not care about it. All these arguments are false, as there has been a great advance in this field over the last 30 years, when therapies for the cure of skin problem has been developed thanks to the research on the immunological system.

20 years of dedication

Maruja Puerta devoted more that 20 years of her life to this disease, which she suffered until she recovered completely with this cream “Maruja Puerta”, patented before she died on 17th Ocotber 2008. Her husband and son own a company called ROCIO FERNANO ZURITA.S.L. and they are in charge of the distribution of the cream all over the world. Don’t wait any longer, order it and you will experience a great improvement not ever seen before. You may also order it by telephone: :

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